Monday 26 March 2012

Opinion - RIP: Managed Code

Over the last 12 months there has been a steady rise in the use of JavaScript outside the browser. Does this mean that the use of managed code could be coming to an end?

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Dapper: The Conclusion

Over the last few weeks, I've taken an existing Entity Framework solution, Nerd Dinner, and converted it to use Dapper. Below is my experience of using Dapper and my opinion on whether it is suitable over Entity Framework to use in projects.

Monday 19 March 2012

DapperDinner Part 3: Managing Objects

In the first part in the series (here), I showed how easy it was to convert Nerd Dinner to use Dapper. In a subsequent post (here), I improved upon the solution and showed the power of Dapper. Now in this post I will continue improving the solution and show how we can manage the state of objects.

Friday 9 March 2012

DapperDinner Part 2: Improving the Queries

In my last post I demonstrated how easy it was to convert an existing web site (in this case Nerd Dinner) to use the Dapper micro ORM. In this post I will continue with the sample I started and improve the solution, showing that with a few more minor tweaks we can gain a cleaner and faster solution using Dapper.

Friday 2 March 2012

DapperDinner Part 1: Converting NerdDinner to use Dapper

In my past few posts (here and here) I've been looking into how to use Dapper. I've looked at how basic CRUD operations are performed and looked at some of the extensions available out there to help. I've also shown that Dapper is used out in the wild with sites such as Stackoverflow, but how easy is it to implement Dapper into an existing project replacing an existing ORM? In this post I will show you how easy it is to replace an Entity Framework implementation with Dapper.